Seeking Beauty Influencer Partnerships: Kintone’s Unique Approach for Shampoo and Conditioner Promotion

4 min readDec 15, 2023


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, influencer marketing is a real game-changer. At Kintone, we’re using this power to introduce our exceptional shampoo and conditioner to a broader audience. However, our approach to beauty influencer partnerships is unique. We believe in authenticity, ensuring that every product experience is genuine. This blog post offers an inside look at our recruitment process, the type of influencers we seek, and why we believe our approach stands out.

The Power of Beauty Influencer Partnerships

Beauty influencer partnerships bring a human touch to a brand, offering a face and a voice consumers can connect with. When a beauty influencer shares their experience with a product, it’s akin to a trusted recommendation from a friend. We believe this strategy will be invaluable in promoting our shampoo and conditioner — a personal, transformative experience for users.

Our Unique Approach and Influencer Criteria

Our approach to beauty influencer partnerships involves asking interested influencers to purchase our products as a starting point. This ensures that any initial reviews are authentic and unbiased. It also allows influencers to experience the purchasing process and our products like any other customer.

We’re looking for influencers who align with our brand values and resonate with our target customer base. Our ideal influencer has a following, predominantly aged 18–34, with a strong interest in beauty, health, and wellness. They must have a minimum of 10,000 followers and an engagement rate of at least 2% — we value quality interactions over sheer volume.

The Recruitment Process

Interested influencers are requested to purchase and review Kintone shampoo and conditioner on Amazon. This serves as an initial ‘audition’. However, it’s only the first step in our recruitment process for beauty influencer partnerships.

We also ask influencers to share their media kit or relevant data, including audience demographics, engagement rates, and previous successful partnerships. This information helps us evaluate whether the influencer’s audience aligns with our target demographic and whether collaboration would benefit both sides.

The Reimbursement Policy and Amazon’s Guidelines

While we ask influencers to make an initial purchase, we ensure they aren’t left out of pocket. If we decide to collaborate after reviewing their Amazon feedback and audience data, we reimburse the cost of the product. This ensures influencers are rewarded for their investment in our product, creating a fair and mutually beneficial relationship.

However, we clarify that the reimbursement is not for the review but for the potential future collaboration. Any review made on Amazon should genuinely reflect the influencer’s opinion about the product, with no compensation involved.

This approach aligns with Amazon’s guidelines, prohibiting incentivized reviews, including those for which customers receive compensation or discounted products. We fully respect these guidelines and expect our influencers to do the same, maintaining the integrity of their reviews and our brand.

The Benefits of Beauty Influencer Partnerships with Kintone

At Kintone, we value our influencers and believe in fostering mutually beneficial relationships. By entering into beauty influencer partnerships with us, influencers gain exposure to a new audience, receive opportunities for exclusive content, and grow alongside an innovative, rapidly expanding brand. We also provide full support, including resources needed for posts and clear communication channels.

Building Long-term Beauty Influencer Partnerships

Our influencer engagement process aims to build long-term beauty influencer partnerships rooted in trust and mutual benefits. We involve influencers in the customer journey and value their input, laying the groundwork for successful collaborations. We also give our influencers creative freedom, understanding that they each have a unique style and voice. We encourage them to incorporate our products into their content naturally and authentically.

Join the Kintone Family

Are you a beauty influencer who aligns with our brand values and is ready to embark on this unique journey with us? We’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us with your media kit and a link to your Amazon review of our Kintone shampoo and conditioner. Let’s shape the future of beauty together!

Navigating the beauty industry can be a challenging task. At Kintone, we believe in the power of collaboration and the mutual growth it fosters. We are excited about the new journey we are embarking on and cannot wait to create beautiful narratives with our future beauty influencer partnerships.

If you’re an influencer who shares our vision for cultivating beauty and wellness or a follower who knows someone perfect for this opportunity, we warmly invite you to join us in this new chapter. Let’s create a community that values authenticity, innovation, and the transformative power of beauty.

Partner with us at Kintone, and let’s revolutionize beauty together. Please get in touch with us to start the conversation. We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to see the incredible content we’ll create together.

Everyone is beautiful; at Kintone, we’re proud to enhance that beauty. Here’s to new beginnings, fresh partnerships, and a beautiful future.





Often found in far-flung places reading Walter Mosley with a rucksack on his back.